Six down, Eight to go!

July 1, 2015
West Virginia!

The photograph of me taken at the ATC in Harpers Ferry WV! This is regarded as the mental halfway point. I was the 616th northbound thruhiker to passthrough.

 The peacemaker
       (above two photos): The first night I was in Harpers Ferry I stayed the night at Sunny Brook Farms. The community there was extremely hiker friendly and accommodating! Some hikers are slightly turned off by them because they are a communal farm and have a little bit of a cultish vibe. They did not try and indoctrinate anyone, and are very respectful of others beliefs and loving of anyone who comes through their door! During my stay I was open minded and respectful. I enjoyed the circle dancing and all of the farm fresh homemade meals! My work for stay included helping cooking, cleaning & tending to the fields.
 Still below the Mason Dixon line.
June 16th
       Camping not ten feet down a slope from the train tracks to my right. Every few hours the train rolls by, shaking the two trees my hammock is attached to, waking every cell in my body. If you ever want to feel alive while you sleep, sleep next to a train track. At 5:30am an old french lady appeared next to my tarp, she seemed startled and confused on why there were tents and hammocks erected in her pathway.

Bluegrass, Zen & Me.
Downtown Harpers.

 Huckleberry Thug

 The Truth

Will always be remembered as muddy...
The Potomac River. 

June 20th
        Laying in my hammock, spooning my pack and all of my belonging as the sky continues to weep buckets from above. The boy scouts that showed up and set up camp right next to us (when the entire campground was empty and unoccupied) are flooded. Running around like chickens without heads. Inches of water. I'm praying my tent stakes hold. Earlier today I ate my first chulupa and rode to fast in a convertible. I saw two frogs and crickets that look like they take steroids.

I am getting tan!

       West Virginia & Maryland were short. I'm now over the Mason Dixon line, in Pennsylvania! Expect a PA blog soon! Also a shout out to everyone who has sent me a care package the past few weeks, THANK YOU Justin, Libby, Awesome & my family for all of the packages and goodies inside of them!
