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New Jersey & New York

July 23, 2015
New Jersey
Eight down, five more to go!

July 11
       Selfie at the border of Pennsylvania & New Jersey! The first day in Jersey was a success, the terrain started to noticeably improve (there are still rocks, but they are much gentler & kinder thus far). The lakes are perfect swimming temp and a great escape from the midday sun. I also saw my first Rattlesnake (nearly stepped on it, oops)! I also hung a wicked bear bag.


July 14, 2015

Home of millions of rocks.

Mile 1094.6 is the halfway point of the Appalachian Trail this year!
I made it halfway there!!

Six down, Eight to go!

July 1, 2015
West Virginia!

The photograph of me taken at the ATC in Harpers Ferry WV! This is regarded as the mental halfway point. I was the 616th northbound thruhiker to passthrough.